Asset Managers & FinTech Companies Registration Guidebook
15/78 Results of FY2021 E-Commerce Market Survey Compiled, The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) FinTech increases efficiency and value Even though the service sector shrank temporarily due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the growth rates of the digital sector and the service sector are high, which shows the digitization of business transactions continues to progress. E-commerce and related new financial services are offered in various industries. For example, various retail vendors have introduced smartphone apps with payment functions, giving customers discounts or rebate points to expand their customer base. IT and e-commerce companies offer new financial services such as transaction lending as well as settlement and remittance services to their vast users or customer bases, which shows that utilization of Fintech continues to expand. After the financial crisis of 2007/08, financial regulations were tightened, and the cost of compliance has increased. Cost competition has intensified as fees and commissions have fallen while information transparency increased. Financial institutions seek to further improve the efficiency and offer new value utilizing FinTech. FinTech expands new investment opportunities With the spread of smartphones and new apps with financial functions, asset management is becoming more familiar. Robo-advisor, crowdfunding and social lending services offer new investment opportunities. People can easily allocate a small amount of electronic money to investments. At the same time, there is increasing attention to ESG investment due to environmental and social issues, such as global warming, pandemic disease, declining birthrate, and aging population. People hope that FinTech will offer new solutions to the social problems as work style reforms progress. Changes in the scale of the B-to-C EC market over the years201320142015Digital(In JPY Billion)201620172018MerchandiseService12.813.84.911.

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