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Interaction Asia
13th Issue : February 28th, 2011

Asian Human Resources Fund Advanced Research Special

In 2008 the Tokyo Metropolitan Government established the Asian Human Resources Fund in order to allow extraordinary exchange students from Asia to obtain their doctoral degrees at the Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU), and to further advanced research towards the development of Asia and resolution of issues in major Asian cities.

The fund has previously accepted 17 students from 8 different countries, enabling high-level research in fields such as new material development, proteomics (the research of proteins), water problems, and infectious diseases. In this issue of Interaction Asia, the Asian Human Resources Fund Advanced Research Special, students and their research laboratories have worked with us to provide information on research being carried out in the following three subjects:
縲€Hard but light: Developing new materials for use in aircrafts
竇縲€Research into new material development for use in next-generation aeronautical technology
Because research into composites for use in aircraft wings can lead to lighter aircraft and reduced fuel consumption, it has gained a great deal of attention at this time of greatly rising fuel prices.
Research on Interlaminar Reinforcement of Stitched Composites
Mr. Tan Kwek Tze, Singapore
In-Plane Mechanical Strength of Vectran-Stitched Composites
Mr. Arief Yudhanto, Indonesia
縲€Ensuring the health of citizens through protein research:
竇。縲€Creating basic technologies for proteomics toward the development of advanced medical treatment
The Tokyo Metropolitan University carries with it a history of over 50 years of research on proteins. It is using this strength to develop advanced medical technology that can bring about effective methods that quickly identify the onset of diseases such as cancer.
Application of the SAIL method to the studies of protein-ligand interactions
Mr. Chun-Jiun Yang, Taiwan
Antibody-based Differential Proteomics Approach Discovered Abnormal Expression Proteins in Colon Cancer Tissue Samples
Mr. Chenchen, China
縲€縲€Floods, draughts, and the water environment: Reducing water problems faced by large cities
Ⅲ縲€Research into measures to solve water problems in large cities in Asia
Climate changes and heavy urbanization from population concentration in Asian cities have led to water problems such as floods, droughts, and general worsening of the water environment. By using the Tokyo metropolis as a research site, the research seeks to resolve the water problems faced by major Asian cities.
Research about ‘Estimation of manganese concentrations from archived raw water data in small-scale water systems’
Mr. MIN Byung Dae, Korea
Salt Intrusion and Mixing in Multi-connected Estuaries
Mr. Nguyen Hoang Duc, Vietnam