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27th Issue
Aiming at addressing "infectious disease"; a common problem for the major Asian cities:
ANMC21 Countermeasures to Combat Infectious Diseases in Asia, Conference on the Joint Research and Survey was held in Tokyo
"Conference on the Joint Research and Survey" was held in Tokyo from June 6 to June 8, 2013.
The delegates from the five cities, namely, Hanoi, Jakarta, Manila, Seoul and Tokyo, participated in the conference, where the experts had a heated discussion on novel influenza. Below is a report of the conference from one of the TMG staff.

- Overcoming the flood in Jakarta and postponement of the conference

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The participants enthusiastically
listening to the keynote lecture

This conference was originally scheduled to be held in early February. In late January, however, the flood in Jakarta was broadcasted when the preparation was almost ready and the opening of the conference was just half a month away. Worrying about my counterpart in Jakarta very much, I nervously sent an e-mail to them and found out they were fortunately safe. Despite that, I received a reply saying that they were sorry that they could not attend the conference because they were busy coping with the record-breaking heavy rain, for instance through supplying clean water to refugees and monitoring the occurrence of infectious diseases.

One of the main programs of this conference was a discussion based on the report concerning the influenza surveillance conducted in Jakarta. Therefore, the conference could not be held without the participation of Jakarta, and it was postponed till June, when Jakarta would be able to participate in it.

The preparation soon resumed toward the conference in early June. I sometimes worried about changes made by some participating cities before finalizing the delegates. I, however, was very relieved when the delegates from four cities were decided and I heard that all the participants safely arrived in Tokyo.

- Successful discussion on a timely topic

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Active exchange of ideas

The conference started with the keynote lecture by Prof. Oshitani from Tohoku University with the theme of "Current global situation of and response to influenza including avian influenza A (H7N9)." The lecture covered the avian influenza A (H7N9) in China, which had been broadcasted on almost every day from the end of March, specifically focusing on the occurrence, the possibility of developing into a pandemic and an importance of risk management. In addition, Prof. Oshitani provided the latest information on Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). Questions and answers as well as ideas were actively exchanged. The conference was successful with about eighty participants, which was much larger than expected.
Since this conference focused on infectious diseases, most of the participants was medical doctors, nurses including public health nurses, researchers, or experts in medicine and public health, which is a characteristic of the conference.
Additionally, the conference program included sessions concerning the countermeasures against infectious diseases and the surveillance system after disasters such as floods and earthquakes; and a session relating to the countermeasures taken by each participating city against avian influenza A (H7N9), HIV, rubella and other infectious diseases. Opinions were actively exchanged during these sessions. It was impressive how the five cities participating in the conference enthusiastically asked questions in order to collect information of other cities about their actual situation and the measures taken by them.

- Consultation toward the future

In the afternoon of the second day, consultation was carried out on the implementation plan for the second year of novel influenza joint research, following the report on the current status of surveillance by the delegates from Jakarta. After that, an agreement was reached that some cities would consider the implementation of surveillance in this year.
It was also confirmed that the infectious disease-related information will be shared among the participating cities through utilizing the Infectious Diseases Information Network System (K-net).
Furthermore, it was announced that the next Conference on Countermeasures to Combat Infectious Diseases in Asia is scheduled to be organized in Manila in February of next year, and the delegates from Manila promoted the attractions of Metro Manila and the Republic of the Philippines by using images and music.

- On-site inspection program

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Inspection at the hospital

The on-site inspection program was carried out on the third day of the conference. The weather was nice, and the participants, who spent the previous two days inside the meeting room, looked happier. This time, the participants visited the facility in Chiyoda City, which is the most urbanized area in Tokyo.
Dental checkups were under way at Chiyoda City Public Health Center, and the participants could understand the extensive activities of public health centers along with the countermeasures against infectious diseases. Each participant showed an interest in various brochures published by Chiyoda City Public Health Center and enthusiastically read the samples.
Next, the participants visited Mitsui Memorial Hospital. They received explanations on the treatment system and facilities at the cooperating medical institutions in Tokyo for infectious diseases before enthusiastically asking questions concerning the specific measures and facilities for nosocomial infection.
Both inspection sites warmly welcomed the participants and very carefully answered their many questions. The participants expressed their appreciation, for instance stating that it would be difficult to visit these facilities on an individual basis and that they appreciated having had such a good opportunity. I felt like all the hard work has paid off thanks to these words of gratitude.

- Conclusion

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Group photo at the closing ceremony

I often hear the Asian people say that a face-to-face relationship is very important. Despite different systems and customs in each city, trust and a sense of cooperation are generated through actively discussing, dining together and talking about various matters with the people who are commonly involved in the countermeasures against infectious diseases. An accumulation of such networks or connections should be important for Asia and the world in the future.

I appreciate the valuable experiences that could be gained as the project secretariat and intend to make efforts to further reinforce this network.